Thursday, June 28, 2012

oh, this boy...

He has such a huge personality already. It really makes me wonder how birth order plays into it all....he's determined to keep up with the big kids already. He is VERY clear on what he wants and he'll go to great lengths to get it. It's both frustrating and incredibly endearing that what he usually wants is me. He'll be perfectly fine with someone else and then I walk in the room and he'll do whatever it takes to get to me..squirm out of their arms, crawl over obstacles, climb stairs, throw a huge temper tantrum (he sits up but bends over at the waist and throws his hands and head down on the ground while sobbing- still cute for now, check back with me in a few months).

Due to this, it's difficult to get a picture of him sitting still. He immediately crawls towards me!


B+J said...

Such a lucky mama to have someone that cute want just you!!!

Kate said...

he is perfectly adorable and squeezable!!

Gretchen said...

He's sooooooo deliciously adorable!!! Love that smile so much.