Friday, September 16, 2011

Aidric's First Day of Preschool 2011

Aidric is back at the same school for the 2nd year, but has a new teacher. One of his best friend's mom offered to pick him up for school to help us out. I was a little leery at was his first day!! But, when I gave him the choice, he immediately said yes, he wanted to go with Benjamin. We were off to a late start that morning and with 5 minutes to go before she was picking him up, we still needed to pack a snack, find his backpack and get dressed! We rushed around for 5 minutes and when she pulled up, it was to find us in the driveway, Aidric in the backseat of our car getting his back pack and me still in my jammies but with a camera in hand.

Instead of the usual 50 pictures, Aidric lucked out b/c we only had time for 3. I lucked out b/c I absolutely LOVE this one. Cheesy little smile and all, this kid is CUTE =)


Gretchen said...

Perfect first day photo! He's looking SO grown up too. And can I say I'm seriously impressed that you've had time to blog this week?? I mean, didn't you have a baby or something? :)

beth said...

I just love it!! Perfect pic for a first day of school!