Friday, September 4, 2009

Juliet is 9 months old!!!

This pictures were taken in Hilton Head, so technically she was still a week shy of 9 months. I plan to get some true "9 month" pictures this weekend. We had her well check today, as well as a flu shot. (She didn't even flinch for the shot. Aidric, on the other hand, acted as though he had been tortured. In all fairness, the nurse didn't warn him at all and he was blindsided- I felt really bad and was glad I had at least gotten a "there's going to be a 1-2-3 ouchie honey" in before she got him!)

But, back to JZ. She's 18 lbs. 8 oz!!! Wow! Even more than I thought, but I was surprised to hear that's only in the 45%. Her thighs have so many rolls, you'd definitely guess higher. She's 27.25"...also the 45%.

She's on a low dose daily antibiotic now for her reflux. Not sure if I ever shared the final results on the VCUG? She has Grade II Vesicoureteral Reflux. We have an appointment with a pediatric urologist at the end of September, but right now the plan is to keep her on the antibiotic to ward off potential UTI's and do a repeat VCUG in about a year to see if she has outgrown it and can go off the antibiotic.

BUT, she won't be taking that antibiotic for the next week, because the poor thing also has an ear infection!! She can not catch a break! If there is a runny nose or a cough to be caught, she gets it.

Some recent milestones:

late July- reached for me for the first time when one of Aidric's gymnastic's teachers was holding her

Aug. 22- FINALLY decided to roll over!!! She did it in her crib and was soooo happy and proud of herself. Did it again later that night...and then not again since.

Aug. 25- pulled herself up on the coffee table- she's been pulling herself up for a long time using our hands, but this was the first time on an object


Gramcracker said...

Look at that little cutie pie! She is so sweet. Looking forward to giving her (and her brother!) hugs and kisses.

SpunkyToes said...

Cute photos!

Kate said...

awww! So sweet! Happy 9 months Juliet! She's adorable!

beth said...

Cutie pie!! Love the pics of her on the chair. Happy 9 Months Juliet!