Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Our preemie is a piggy =)

He is such a great eater! He continues to increase the amount of time that he spends breastfeeding as well as the amount he takes in a bottle as a supplement afterwards. Today he took 70 ccs AFTER breastfeeding! He may not be wearing his cute little preemie outfits for very long at this rate, but we're not complaining about that!

No other big news really. I took advantage of Aidric having the best babysitters in the world today and went and got a haircut. I am assuming that once he comes home, it may be awhile before I am able to do that again!

No heart rate drops or apneic episodes today. Please pray that he continues to do well!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hey Staci!

Love the Blog! I am thinking about you and praying for you everyday! Love you!