Friday, September 3, 2010

Exciting Announcement!!

There's a more than a good chance that 99% of you already know this. But, I'm posting for the other 1% here.

I've started a photography business!! I'd love for you to go check out the new blogsite and pass it on to anyone else you think might be interested!!


And I PROMISE, there is a full blog post coming up soon with all sorts of the latest on our crazy, sassy little girl. But, there is just ONE adorable picture of her on the new blog to hold you over :)


Megan said...

Congrats and nest of luck with this!

beth said...

Congrats and best of luck to you Staci! I know you will do great.

Kelly said...

Best of luck to you, Staci! I wish you nothing but success! You have so much talent...I'm sure you will do great!