Sunday, July 1, 2007

Aidric is 1 month old!

Exciting news to report - Aidric is a big cousin! Grace Isabella Everett was born to Richard and Sarah Everett on Thursday, June 28th! Aidric (and his parents) can't wait to meet her!

Also on the 28th, Aidric had an appointment for a weight check...turns out we won't need to schedule another one of those outside of his regular appointments. The little chunker gained 11 ounces in one week! He continues to be a great eater and has the pounds to show for it- he's up to 6 lbs. 13 oz! He has even outgrown a few of his preemie size outfits.

We also learned that he has reflux. It is not severe and rather than treat it with medication, at this point the doctor just wants us to change his eating and positioning habits. That means feeding him every two hours or so for 10 minutes instead of every 3-4 hours for 20-30 minutes. Hopefully he'll outgrow this quickly!

I hesitate to write about what a great baby he is, because I don't want to jinx it =) We are still two weeks away from his due date, so we can't really expect to know how he will really be until then. We certainly hope that he stays as mellow and happy as he is though! He only cries when he's hungry or we are changing his diaper, and even then it is more of a whimper that lasts about 10 seconds. Keep those fingers crossed we stay this lucky!

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