Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Aidric has always loved reading..I remember listing it as one of my "things to love about Aidric" before he was even a year old. Lately, he has taken to reading in bed before naps and bed and when he wakes up. The other night, I went to check on him before I went to bed and found him curled up in his bed filled with EVERY book in his room. I couldn't resist snapping a quick picture.


Megan said...

Too cute! Naya would take every book with her to bed as well if I would let her.

Richard and Sarah said...

such a book worm!

Sarah said...

So sweet! I could have taken the exact same picture of Andrew!

Kristi said...

Love it.

Gretchen said...

So adorable!! I'm wondering how it's possible that Aidric doesn't fall out of his bed regularly?? Ryder STILL falls out of his full size bed!!

Unknown said...

How cute!