Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The "Grandparent Hangover"

Have you heard of this? I hadn't, but I was talking to my friend Gretchen and telling her what a monster my child has been the last two days. She said, "Oh, sounds like the Grandparent Hangover". Apparently, this is a highly scientific term to describe the undesirable after-effects of an extended grandparent visit.

So, what we're dealing with is a child who no longer seems to have ANY idea what the word "no" means. We're dealing with a child who takes our hands, DRAGS us to the door and throws a huge temper tantrum when we tell him he can not go outside. Then, there's the food throwing and hitting. Now, I'm not saying my child was perfect pre-Grandma visit, but he has taken things to an entirely new level!

Before you think I am writing this as a complaint, let me be clear. It was all worth it!! We are all missing grandma now that she is gone. She and AJ had SO much fun! They talked to the "puppies" next door, went on numerous wagon rides, blew a lot of bubbles, played at Gymboree and did a little a shopping. Of course, Chris and I VERY much appreciated her taking care of Aidric all day for 7 days, preparing dinner, doing the laundry and all of the other little things she did for us. (as well as the not so little things- like ironing all of the curtains in the baby's nursery!)

It was good to talk to Gretchen though and find out that the condition is temporary. Maybe our good little boy will return tomorrow.......just in time for his OTHER grandma to show up and spoil him rotten!!

1 comment:

Kim Airhart said...

Those are some great photos. :)