Tuesday, April 8, 2008

He's 10 months old!!

He's technically 10 months old and 1 week, but I am a little late in getting these posted. My friend Gretchen was here for a wonderful weekend and left yesterday. We are big dorks and both do a lot of scrapbooking so once in awhile when we visit each other, we get a ton done. It's always more fun to do with someone, to get someone else's feedback and just chat. Anyway, maybe I will post some pics of the pages later.

Also, no pics yet, but Aidric started swim lessons last week. So far, we both love it!! It's a place that prides themselves on teaching them to actually swim, not just "get used to the water". The water babies learn breath control and to eventually swim 5 feet alone!!

Ok, onto the pics. Here is our 10 month old.


Kate said...

Happy 10 months Aidric!!! What a big, happy, boy!!!

Kate said...

Happy 10 months Aidric!!! What a big, happy, boy!!!

Meg said...

Wow! What a great smile. :)